Nómada Coctelería


Para dar cumplimiento a lo establecido en la Ley 34/2002 de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico (LSSICE), a continuación se indican los datos de información general del sitio web www.nomadacocteleria.com:

Razón Social: Sofía Greta Stritzler
NIE: Y9732544Q
Dirección: Álvaro de Bazán 1- Málaga - 29007
Email: [email protected]
Teléfono: +34 669 41 13 09

Finalidad del sitio web

El objetivo de este sitio es poder ofrecer a título informativo contenidos, noticias y artículos relacionados a los servicios que ofrecemos.

Condiciones de uso del sitio web

Por el mero hecho de acceder al sitio web, el usuario acepta el presente clausulado. El acceso y posterior utilización de este sitio web implicará su conformidad de forma expresa, plena y sin reservas, con este clausulado.

Propiedad Intelectual e industrial

Por el mero hecho de acceder al sitio web, el usuario acepta el presente clausulado. El acceso y posterior utilización de este sitio web implicará su conformidad de forma expresa, plena y sin reservas, con este clausulado.


NÓMADA COCTELERÍA ITINERANTE uses and protects the information that is provided by its users when using its website. Our commitment is purely and exclusively with our customers and consequently with the information and data provided by you. NÓMADA COCTELERÍA ITINERANTE reserves the right to change the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time. For this reason we recommend that you continually review our website to keep abreast of all information and any updates that may arise, understanding that, by entering our site, your consent to the terms and privacy policy detailed herein applies.

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR), the personal data you provide us with through the contact means we make available to you will be processed by NÓMADA COCTELERÍA ITINERANTE.

The different areas in which personal data are collected and processed are described below.

- Contact and quotation form: The data collected through these forms will be used for the purpose of dealing with your request or query. The legal basis for the processing of your data is the consent you give when you send us your request or enquiry for us to respond to you. You may withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

- E-mail: The data provided by means of the e-mails that we make available to you will be used to deal with the request or query that you make. The legal basis for the processing of your data is both the consent you give when you send us your request or query. You may withdraw your consent at any time without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

In all cases, your data will be retained as long as you do not revoke the consent you have given.

You may exercise the rights set out below by sending an e-mail to NÓMADA COCTELERÍA ITINERANTE which is indicated in the "Contact" tab of this website.

Right of access to personal data: you may request information from the company about whether it is processing your data and what processing it is carrying out.

The right to request the rectification of your data if they are incorrect or their deletion if they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected.

The right to request the restriction of the processing of your data.

Right to object to the processing of your data.

Right to data portability to a new Data Controller.

If you believe that your right to data protection has been violated by the company, you can file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (www.agpd.es).


Al ponerse en contacto con nuestra compañía se solicitará información personal como ser nombre y apellido, número de teléfono de contacto y correo electrónico a fin de poder brindarle una atención personalizada y que el servicio sea acorde a sus necesidades. Dichos datos serán reservados por la compañía al solo efecto de lograr un mayor control, división y seguimiento de quienes contraten nuestros servicios, mejorando de esta forma día a día nuestro ofrecimiento de servicios hacia la comunidad tanto en territorio español como extranjero. Téngase en cuenta que podrá requerirse cierta información específica para mejorar el servicio ofrecido o poder emitir facturación. Esta compañía no venderá, cederá ni distribuirá la información personal que es recopilada sin su consentimiento, salvo requerimiento judicial. -


NÓMADA COCTELERÍA ITINERANTE will not be responsible for the terms, conditions and privacy policies of your data on other websites to which you may have been referred to because they are sites of interest related to the service you are looking for. For your safety, we recommend that you carefully read the terms and privacy policies that those links contain in order to protect your privacy. -

MODIFIES this Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

NÓMADA COCTELERÍA ITINERANTE reserves the right to modify and update the information contained on the website, its configuration and presentation and the conditions of access at any time and without prior notice, whenever it deems appropriate.


In the event that there are links to third party websites, we inform the user that he/she will be governed by the terms and conditions of said websites and that NÓMADA COCTELERÍA ITINERANTE assumes no responsibility for the contents accessed through said links.

A través de esta sección queremos informar a los usuarios de las políticas de uso y tratamiento de datos que hacemos en las redes sociales en las que tenemos presencia (Instagram), cuando un usuario es seguidor de nuestra empresa, autoriza que sus datos personales los utilicemos únicamente en estas plataformas para la gestión de nuestra página o perfil y de las comunicaciones que mantengamos de forma bidireccional con nuestros seguidores a través del chat, mensajes u otros medios de comunicación que permita cada red social ahora y en el futuro.

However, such treatment will be subject to the privacy policies of these social networks. By becoming a follower we will have access to the list of members or followers who have joined us. We would also like to inform you that when a user becomes a follower, the news we publish will also appear on their wall and that if they make comments on our wall, both their comments and the name of their profile and, where appropriate, the photograph they have on their profile will be accessible to other followers. In any case, the user is responsible for the use they make of the social network.

We will not use users' personal data for purposes other than those set out in the preceding paragraphs or to send them information through an environment other than the social network. With regard to your data protection rights, you should contact the provider of the social network if you wish to exercise any such rights. However, they may unsubscribe from our page or profile at any time.